Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What New Car Models You Would Like to See Released?

..............My list in no particular order..................The 2010 Ford Taurus SHO..............The 73' Buick Riviera with the boat tail roof.............A 1/25 64' and 1/2 Ford Mustang (any body style). A newly tooled version would be an improvement over the back dated eighties 66' Mustang convertible Monogram has released at various times...............The (forgotten) 74-78 Mustang. It may have had only four cylinders and suggested a Ford Pinto on roids, but it was a Mustang. Since the AMT annual was way to over simplified and MPC turned their's into a pro street it is hole in many Mustang collections. It is time to do a new tool................The 73'-78' Chevy Impala coupe/convertible was among the last full size GM  products. There is an MPC  76' annual which many of us have bought for trailer; not the soft on detail Impala. It would be great if Revell could do one with all of the detail of their 66' Impala............The Carbon Motors E7 would be a good light commercial subject with its police warning lights built into the roof line, chassis mounted push bars and enough high tech gear in the dashboard to make the Knight 2000 look like a Yugo................The new (Dark Knight) Batmobile in 1/25th scale...............A 2010-11 Ford and/or Chevy full size vans.  They would be perfect for light commercial subjects..............The 1941 Chavy van/Suburban. Given the extra  door handle in their 41' pickup kit Revell must have thought of it already.


George Abecassis Kenny Acheson Andrea de Adamich Philippe Adams

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